Core Cycle Studios New Standards and Guidelines
The standards and guidelines build upon the studios’ already known and trusted standards of health, safety, and cleanliness. Our current situation just takes things to a higher level to bring more confidence and trust in your place of fitness and health.
Aside from respecting the safety guidelines put in place by the government, we ask that if you are coming to the studio please consider going above and beyond for each other. Please make sure to
Practice social distancing when close, and
Limit person-to-person contact, including hugs and high-fives.
Plus, elbow pumps are now quite fashionable!
Community, relationships, and love are woven in our walls, but right now, this is the best way to take care of our Core Cycle Studios Family. A bit overwhelmed? Trust us! Once we start that first class and play that first song, you’ll find yourself right back in your CCS fitness sanctuary.
Contents Included:
New Waiver
Class Schedule
Contactless Check-ins
Face Coverings
Health Declaration
Temperature Checks
Cleaning Protocols
Disinfecting Procedures
COVID-19 Protocol
Temporarily Pausing Amenities
Cancelation Policy
New Waiver
The COVID-19, has been declared a worldwide pandemic. COVID-19 is contagious and can spread from person to-person contact. CCS will continue to use its best efforts to institute and implement preventative measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19; however, CCS cannot guarantee that you may not become infected, exposed or otherwise contract COVID-19 while attending, participating in or otherwise engaging in any activities at or in connection with CCS. Therefore, members, customers, staff, and instructors will be required to sign a new studio waiver that pledges their support of the new guidelines and eliminates the liability of individuals contracting COVID-19.
This will be easy to review and complete through the Core Cycle Studios mobile app.
Class Schedule
Phase 1 we will host 3 outdoor classes Monday – Friday and 2 classes on Saturday and Sunday - giving plenty of time between group fitness classes for disinfecting the equipment.
Each class is designed to have 10 or less participants. The studio will hold four types/styles of classes: cycle, circuit/HIIT, POWERbarre, and barre.
Inclement Weather (applies for any outdoor class)
If the forecast is for thunderstorms, the studio may cancel fitness activities for that session/Day. All weather depending. CCS will reach out to participants directly.
In the event of inclement weather, class participants should call the studio to check to see if class is still happening
In the event inclement weather occurs while participants are present, participants will be instructed to head to their cars
Phase 2 we will host up to 4-6 outdoor classes daily with 30 minutes between group fitness classes for disinfecting the equipment. Classes will have 10 or less participants. The studio will hold four types of classes: 2 circuit style classes, POWERbarre, and barre (4 class styles).
Phase 3 we will begin to host indoor classes with 1 hour between group fitness classes for disinfecting the studio and all equipment. Classes will operate at no more than 50 percent capacity. The studio will begin to incorporate cycle classes, stretch, and yoga – along with outdoor circuit style classes and some POWERbarre/barre. In addition, we have been working closely with our HVAC company and have confirmed how the CCS system incorporates 20% of fresh air and hospital grade air filters.
Cycle Classes (Phase 3)
All bikes have been measured and distanced by 10 feet to ensure social distancing. The studio has arranged 20 bikes with proper distance between each.
Barre/ Yoga/ HIIT Classes (Phase 3)
All strength classes are designed to facilitate distance between members. Our team will set up each class beforehand with all required/necessary equipment. If a member requires additional equipment, a front desk staff or team member will be available to assist. Only team members will be permitted in the equipment area. The studio has been designed to hold 10 mats properly distanced between each other.
Adjustments (Phase 1-3)
No hands-on adjustments, typical in barre and yoga classes, will occur during classes until further notice.
Membership Package Protocols
All unlimited memberships (including 6 month unlimited packages) will become unfrozen on June 1. Those who don’t wish to “unfreeze their account will need to send an email to by Wednesday, May 27.. Unlimited members who don’t unfreeze their account will not be allowed to access CCS outdoor or indoor classes. In addition, all unlimited members, beginning June 1 will now automatically be enrolled in Virtual Core Cycle Studios. (More Communication to Unlimited Member to Come Week of May 25)
All package holders (3, 5, 10, and 20 class packs) will have 2 months added to their package expirations. This will allow packages to now expire in August, 2020. Should we have a resurgence and need to close the business we will address freezing and package expirations at that time. In addition, all unlimited members, beginning June 1 will be given 2 weeks of Virtual Core Cycle.
**Registration for outdoor classes will be required and can be done easily through CCS website or app. No Drop-In participants at this time. Members will be limited to 1 in person class a day. We will increase class numbers based on interest and instructor availability.